Barefoot Bowl Functions
Your community gathering place for the most enjoyable lawn bowls experience imaginable.
The Carrum Bowling Club is situated in a beautiful location – right alongside the Carrum foreshore, with views of the ever-changing Port Phillip Bay, and the gorgeous sunsets that bring an inspiring end to a satisfying day of lawn bowls.
For the complete newcomer to lawn bowls, looking for a sporting activity that promises much in fun and enjoyment with a competitive element, then the friendly, welcoming atmosphere of the Carrum Bowling Club may suit your needs.
We welcome all who want to try lawn bowls; we’ll give you expert coaching and loan you the bowls to get you started. You’ll be mixing with a vibrant group of like-minded people who enjoy the social aspects of the Club – making new friends, sharing good times along the way.
A barefoot bowls event is a great way to get together with family, friends and work colleagues. Barefoot bowls runs for two hours, with refreshments available to purchase from the members bar.
For further information and bookings, please email the Functions Manager on
Bookings can be made all year round.
Club President Roy Crombie officiating at the Social Bowls raffle.
Some of our club members instructing people playing barefoot bowls.